Monday, 17 November 2008


The last tuesday we had 6 presentations and it was interesting to see all of them:
  • Susana's presentation was about bullying it wasn't bad but unfortunately it wasn't nothing new either,the only criticism I can make is that sometimes you can't understand what she says:because the tone of her voice is not good enough,she doesn't give a clear explanation about she means,but those things,maybe,with a little bit more of practice can fix them.
  • Seba Marfil talked about a really interesting topic: CONACE aid campaign,which is the topic these last couple of days,it was attractive to see how people in general,most of them adolescents,react to this campaign and I agree with my classmates opinions : the goverment should give information to the students and let them know what are the effects of drugs in general,students need to be more educated about this topic.
  • Seba Contreras talked about Second Language Adquisition it was a good presentation and I like the fact that he gave us a essay written by him when he was in NY City.
  • Myriam Figueroa did a presentation about the Drinking Age it was an interesting topic but she did her presentation so fast that I wasn't able to see in details the most important facts.
  • Roberto Meneses talked about Becas Chile Sistema Bicentenario, it was interesting because it's an opportunity that we can have eventually.
  • And last but not least my presentation was about Cutting,why young people cut themselves,where they cut,what are the reasons and what can we do if we have a friend or in the future a student who have this problem,I was really nervious,but I think I did a good job.

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Scout Movement by Gustavo Rojas

Gustavo talked about the Scout Movement and I have to say that it was very interesting because actually I did't know anything but there were a group of people who sing and dance and I know that it's even disrespectful to say but it's what I knew. Now it's totally different, becasuse I learnt that they are a great,entertaining,funny and a non-formal educational group of poeple who are close to nature and do a lot of activities that allows them to be in a good atmosphere among themselves, which is something that nowaday is not very common but an important thing to do,they train good people to the society.
It was a good presentation but it was the first so he was nervious but he did his presentation in a good way.