Saturday, 31 May 2008

Student's Strike

Once again it's possible to see the students on strike but this time it's about the LGE. Students are challenging the foundations on which much of the school curriculum is based,and they want to change a lot of thing according to educational system,and that's fine for me, but I think that the way they use to even "try" to make that change it's WRONG very WRONG!!!! You're not gonna be punished if you do something right,it's impossible to take you seriously if you keep doing stupid things like student did and still doing,that's the way I see the strike thing. I truly believe in what we called "the power of the word" ,communication,without that, you just can't do absolutely anything,that's the way I think this can be different for all of us,because it's not fair either not be able to go out of your house just because the student don't let you to do anything without feeling scared because something can happen, and it's not getting better nowadays,the situation actually it's getting worse and worse and it seems that,nobody wants to do something about it,lets change the future of our education,the education of our children and the education of our country,but in a good way,like it should be done.

Classroom Management

This presentation was made by Marlen and Clara

This was the last presentation and it was about classroom management,it was well prepared,clear and easy to understand.The girls talked about how it should be an effective discipline in the classroom,that it's important that teacher must be prepared for lessons,there must be a good organization:TEACHER,CLASSROOM AND LESSON ITSELF.

It was a good presentation with the appropiate information,it's necessary to have this in mind if we want to have a successful lesson for the students and of course for us.The girls seemed sure of what they presented and the only critic that I can give to Clara is that she need to improve the tone of her voice.

Troubled adolescents in school

This presentation was made by Carla and Claudia C.

This presentation in particular was good but too long,because even though it was a topic that I think everybody knows something or have an idea about it, in this case details were unnecessary.

The girls talked about the social problems like bulimia,drug abuse,alcohol that adolescents go through and how affects or just stoped the learning process, which it's an issue that we should have in mind and be aware of everyday,because it's something that can be in front of us and not be able to see it.

Teachers Personality

This presentation was made by Amira,Coni and Marce.

The first thing that the girl did was write in the board the definition of a list of words,that we didn't know the meaning like: slip up,tongue in the cheek,drawbacks,bamboozle,etc., they talk about what the personality teacher must have and gave the TOP 6 KEY TO BECOME A SUCCESSFUL TEACHER:

  • sense of humor,

  • a positive attitude,

  • high expectations,

  • consistenly,

  • fairness and finally

  • flexibilty

Then the girls gave us a piece of paper in which we can find the different teacher's personality like:fair and balanced,more coach that teacher,ditto master,popular disciplinarian and the last walking carpet personality so the audience participate in the writting part. After that gave us situations in which we had to find out to which one personality belong.

The presentation was interesting to hear because if somebody asks about the characteristics of a good teacher, of course, everyone would say something like the 6 "THINGS " that a teacher should have in order to become a successful teacher and it's funny how a teacher or future one should be able to learn,to create or even to incorporate those characteristics if we want to be successful.

aboutgood too,just like the other ones,but Coni and Marce can improve the tone of their voice because it was too soft,but good,so it's just a detail than can be changed.


This presentation was made by Catalina and Leslie.

This presentation was interesting to hear because I didn't know what the topic was about,but obviously it's something that I do know now...By definition is the ability to adapt to different and hard situations and you are able to resolve this situations.It was a good opportunity to learn a little bit more about resiliency first because it's something that I didn't know like I wrote before and also because it's something that I should be able to have as a tool when I'll teach.

The presentation of the girls was good,because I think it's always a pleasure to hear someone sure about what he or she says like Catalina,which it's something that I think I don't have and I would love to,but I'm working about that,and Leslie nervious but sweet anyway,te only thing that both need to improve is the tone of thier voice.

About the picture...

Caring and support: Listen to students' concerns and answer their questions in direct, factual, age-appropriate ways. (Be careful of giving TOO MUCH information. especially with younger children.)

High expectations: Express your certainty that students can cope with the situation and faith in their strength and inner resources.

Opportunities for participation: Help students come up with ways they can address the crisis themselves: i.e.. raising money, sending cards and letters, forming a Peace Club.

Prosocial bonding: Provide students with positive activities to do together that give them a sense of purpose and mastery in the situation.

Clear, consistent boundaries:Strike a balance between addressing concerns and getting back to a normal schedule. Young people need the safety of familiar rules and routines.

Life skills: Encourage students to communicate their thoughts and feelings. (But balance is again the key: Don't let the talk escalate and overwhelm students).


On May 5 this presentation was made by Roberto Meneses and Renato Troncoso

This presentation started by showing a video with 2 different situations of bullying in schools,the boys asked the opinion of the audience and then talk about the topic saying that Bullying is the act of intentionally causing harm to others, through verbal harassment, physical assault, or other more subtle methods of coercion such as manipulation as the definition and it can be something that it will happen even without notice.

At the end of this presentation the boys gave us a list of 12 questions whit yes/no answers in which we had to find out if we "practised" somehow bullying when we were in highschool,so if you answer yes was

  • 0=you are ok,

  • 1 or 2= possibly a bully in the making and finally more than

  • 2=you defenitly are a bully and should consider ways to change your behaviour

...and it turn out to be that I get 2 yes so you can imagine the's hard to hear that you can be potentially a bully person,but in my defense I can say that a question like do you like to tease or taunt other people? or do you get angry a lot and stay angry for a long time? , in the first question it's something that I do with my friends but just joking and in the second it depends on that gets me angry,but anyways I think, if it's a bad thing, you can change it easily.I like the fact that we were able to apply inmediately the topic to ourselves,so it was great! But it is something very important to be aware of not because it's something that happens regularly,because it's something that we're going to face it eventually.


This video called LIFE was presented by Mr.Litman

The video showed the idea of how the world evolves from the very beginning and how everything is complicated with this same evolution thing,how all the bad thing nowadays affects us like pollution,people in general are more stressful than ever,patience is something that almost not longer exist. I think it was like a wake up call,because even though everything it's different now from what it was before,people can just sit down and enjoy life with simple things like share a beautiful day with family.

School Leadership

This presentation was made by Valentina Acevedo and Angela Opazo

The girls started the presentation asking to the audience for those who are part of the school leadership: students,teachers,parents,principal,etc.Then they asked for the definition of education saying that education is the learning process that the student go through,another definition was that the education is a process that transmit knowledge and also gave the definition of leadership as the ability to lead and help people during the educational process, principal as who leads and work with teachers,parents,pupils,secretaries,library,rules,teaching and learning startegies,educative materials,etc,they said thay the main objective is to get and provide a successful education.

This presentation was very good,with good and specific information,the girls allowed the audience to participate during the presentation and give opinion about the topic,so I really enjoy it.

Effective schools

This presentation was made by Claudia Gonzalez and MarĂ­as Jose Medina

It was the first presentation of the class and I think it was very good,they started to present the topic by doing a little dialogue between them saying the difference between to their own experience in school,they asked questions to the audience about it,for example if we remembered a specific teacher o situation and things like that.Then started the presentation itself,talking about the 7 pionts of effective schools like: student academic process in measure,the enviornment in the class (saying that the teacher should be aware of that and also that it should be safe and orderly enviornment),home-school relations, just to name a few...Even though it was a short presentation it was clear and of course easy to understand and I pretty sure that the girls can do better than that and I'm not saying that because I think it was bad it just because I think it was the first...