Saturday, 31 May 2008

Effective schools

This presentation was made by Claudia Gonzalez and Marías Jose Medina

It was the first presentation of the class and I think it was very good,they started to present the topic by doing a little dialogue between them saying the difference between to their own experience in school,they asked questions to the audience about it,for example if we remembered a specific teacher o situation and things like that.Then started the presentation itself,talking about the 7 pionts of effective schools like: student academic process in measure,the enviornment in the class (saying that the teacher should be aware of that and also that it should be safe and orderly enviornment),home-school relations, just to name a few...Even though it was a short presentation it was clear and of course easy to understand and I pretty sure that the girls can do better than that and I'm not saying that because I think it was bad it just because I think it was the first...

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